The definition of the Greek word "gyro" means circle, and the word "kinesis" means movement/motion. The GYROKINESIS® exercise is based on circular movements, with fluidic and rhythmic qualities that correspond with breath, to establish a balance within the entire body. This exercise can help one establish a deeper sense of the functional purpose of joints and ligaments, and reach your potential full range of movement supported by intention.
While learning all of this, you are also learning how to access a deep core energy upon which you use to support all of your movements. This energy comes from our vital life force located in our "seed centre", where the forces in our body split in opposing directions - located behind and below the belly button, above the pelvic floor.
This exercise method teaches you how to fully extend yourself in opposing directions and find space and support within your body. There is a downward force that keeps the pelvis weighted and legs and feet heavy, pressing down into the ground, and an upward force that supports the spine and torso to fully embrace life. Our body is comprised of many body parts and organs with omni-dimensional vectors of energy. Gyrokinesis exercise method embraces the opposing forces of the body, so that we can move in nurtured ways to create an energy efficient body in space and time.
There are so many reasons why Gyrokinesis is an excellent tool to achieve a healthier state. The method takes advantage of neuroplasticity and the natural healing capabilities of the body. Working with somatic awareness, you can train your body and brain with through conscious movement and breath, repatterning neuromuscular connections and strengthening core energy.
Take a look at any animal and you can see how they understand how to move comfortably in their bodies, embracing their specialized structural architecture designed by nature for functional and energy efficient living. One of the biggest examples is the quality of yawning! Animals love to yawn as they stretch and release their muscles from tension. The quality of yawning allows energy through the body to one to fully extend, reach, and stretch open and wake up connective tissue, bones, and joints - and every system of the body too (nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, etc.).
The GYROKINESIS® exercise is a great way to help understand the functionality of your body in a gentle and compassionate way. The exercise is about releasing structural muscle tension and finding ways to move with ease and support. There are many benefits to the brain and entire being when creating a deeper connection to the inner movements of life.
After studying neuroscience in graduate school, I can deeply appreciate the power that this exercise method has on the brain as well as the body. I look forward to continuing the explore the benefits of this exercise and share it with others to become empowered within one's body, connecting to our natural healing abilities.
Stay tuned to learn more!