A film I was featured in, as well as being part of the filming and creating team, focused on exploring bodymind…

”This short video represents the aspirations of two young adults who are learning about Spiral Praxis bodymind techniques for the first time. Their aspirations are representative of our contemporary need to learn more deeply about ourselves physically, emotionally and psychologically through experiential exploration, experiment and learning. We are in need of a flowing natural holism as well as new internal technologies to keep up with the rapid changes in our society.”


This is another film I had the opportunity to take all of the footage for and help create, and witness this beautiful boy blossom over 8 weeks of holistic movement therapy (at Spiral Praxis) :)

“Ryder is a four year old autistic boy who has been taking Adapted Spiral Praxis for several months. In this time he has experienced gains not only in his body but also in many other areas of his life. Holistic somatic movement therapy is a way for children to experience a natural learning process and speaks. It speaks to the idea that it's not WHAT we teach our children but HOW we teach it that is most important to their self-guided education. To learn more about Adapted Spiral Praxis, please visit our website at www.movementforkidswithspecialneeds.org “